STRAW: Straw has little monetary value. It's either burned or else used for animal bedding. In ancient times, straw was used for making bricks. Upon His birth, Jesus was placed on a bed of straw. We think of straw as filling the manger to form a bed for the Infant Christ. Straw is the rough stalks of wheat, oats, or barley, left over after the grain is harvested. Grain is food but stalks are inedible. Hence, farmers use straw for bedding for livestock because the animals won't eat it. Normally straw would not be in a manager. Joseph put straw into the manager because he knew that the animals would not be trying to eat it while Jesus slept. Where did Joseph put the hay or other feed that would have been in the manger? Probably someplace nearby so that the animals could eat. Lord, everything in life has a purpose, and sometimes an unexpected one. Do I feel like I'm in a place where I don't belong, like straw in a manger? You put me here, Lord. What do you want of me here? Open my spiritual eyes, Lord, so that I can understand that Your plan is at work in this unusual circumstance, even if I don't see how. Amen.