HAM: The wild boar, which can normally reach 440 lbs.(200 kg) and occasionally larger (up to 660 lbs. [300 kg]) is the wild ancestor of the domestic pig. Hunting boar was a dangerous sport in medieval times because a boar was powerful, unpredictable, and aggressive. With its massive weight, sharp hooves, short pointed tusks, and quick movements, a boar could easily attack and kill a man. Christians saw in the boar a symbol of satan who, in the spiritual realm, could unpredictably and aggressively attack and even spiritually kill the soul. In some artistic renditions of satan, this enemy of God is portrayed as resembling a boar (sharp hoofed feet, tusks or fangs, hairy, large). Therefore, Christians easily adapted the Scandinavian custom of slaughtering a pig at Yule time to honor the god Freyr who ruled over the sun, rain, and produce of the fields. By carrying into their Christmas feasts a boar's head on a platter, Christians were proclaiming that Jesus has the ultimate victory over satan, symbolized by the boar. The Christmas ham is an adaptation of this custom. Lord, You have the victory! When I am drawn toward evil or when evil comes to me through circumstances or other people, help me to remember that You have the victory1 When I feel discouraged or my faith falters, You have the victory! When the end of my life comes and satan accuses me before You, I will put my trust in You, my Lord, for You have the victory! Thank You, Lord, for coming into our world and for defeating the enemy. God be praised! You have the victory! Amen!