Christmas Decor
You May Like To Know

ADVENT WREATH: The Advent Wreath combines the symbolism of wreathes, evergreens, candles, and holly (if holly is used to make the wreath). In addition, the Advent wreath utilizes the symbolic colors purple and pink, the color of the priest's Advent vestments. In an Advent Wreath, three purple candles (to signify penance, prayer, and preparation for Christmas) and one pink candle (to symbolize rejoicing) are spaced equidistantly around the wreath. Each candle represents 1000 years which, taken together, equal the traditional sense of 4000 years from Adam to the birth of Christ. The purple candles are lit on the First, Second, and Fourth Sundays of Advent and the pink one on the Third Sunday, which is called Gaudete (Rejoicing) Sunday. Recently the faithful have adopted the custom of removing the colored candles on Christmas and replacing them with a white candle in the center of the wreath. The white candle symbolizes the birth of Christ, the Light of the World and the Center of all creation. Lord, all creation awaited Your coming among us. Now we await Your second coming. Our waiting grows patience in us, Lord. May that virtue flourish in my soul this Advent and always. Amen.

1*6 Christmas Foamed Hanging Ornmanets(JC-OHAG)

There can be no Christmas without Christmas decrations!Decors evoke Christmas sentiments among children and grown-ups.



Model No.               :JC-OHAG

Color                       :White

Material                  :Foam

Size                         :1*6/unit

MOQ                      :100units