Christmas Decor
You May Like To Know

SANTA CLAUS: Santa Claus is a corruption of Saint Nicholas, fourth Bishop of Myra (located in modern Turkey) whose feast day is December 6. He is also called Saint Nicholas of Bari after his relics were taken to Bari, Italy, in 1087. Saint Nicholas was known for taking to heart Jesus' words about almsgiving. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you. (Matthew 6: 3-4) Saint Nicholas was very generous to the poor, but most often anonymously. The most famous story concerns three young women whose destitute father was going to force them into prostitution in order to survive. To prevent this heinous crime, Nicholas, on three different nights, anonymously went to their father's house and threw a bag of gold though an open window.  The bishop's miter and fur trimmed red winter garments were corrupted into Santa's outfit, while Saint Nicholas's generosity was transferred to the "jolly old man" who delivers gifts anonymously on Christmas Eve. Lord, grant me the spirit of generosity that Saint Nicholas possessed. Help me to do good in secret, without any desire for recognition and repayment. May I trust in You for any reward. Amen.

Christmas Foamed Hanging Ornmanets(JC-OHAG)

There can be no Christmas without Christmas decrations!Decors evoke Christmas sentiments among children and grown-ups.



Model No.               :JC-OHAG

Color                       :White

Material                  :Foam

Size                         :Inregular

MOQ                      :100units