Christmas Decor
You May Like To Know

REINDEER: Because Santa Claus, as a corruption of St. Nicholas, was popular in Scandinavia, reindeer became associated with him. In Scandinavian countries, reindeer are domesticated and used for meat as well as for work. Their pulling a sleigh would be a familiar sight. Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, was a 1939 creation of Robert May who wrote Rudolph's story as a Christmas comic book for Montgomery Ward department store. Reindeer provide an interesting example of how the Holy Spirit uses secular symbols to prepare people to accept the Divine. Reindeer recall this verse from the Psalms: "As a doe pants for running streams, so my soul is thirsting for You, my God" (Psalm 42:1). Isaiah uttered this prophecy about the Messiah: "Then will the lame leap like a stag" (Isaiah 35:6). The lover in the Song of Songs sings, "Hark! my lover--here he comes, springing across the mountains, leaping across the hills. My lover is like a gazelle or a young stag" (Song of Songs 2:8-9). So we long for God Who can cure our spiritual and physical ills, making our souls leap with joy and sometimes our bodies as well. Santa makes Rudolph, whom the other deer reject, the leader of the herd. His light leads them through the dark night so that gifts can be given to good children. Rudolph is a secular way to prepare children for Christ, the light of the world, Who was rejected by His people yet Whom God placed above us all. Christ not only knows and provides the spiritual light for the way to the Father, but He Himself IS the Way. Lord, You are amazing in Your greatness. Your Spirit inspired our simple minds to connect reindeer with a secular celebration of Christmas, and yet we had no idea that we were selecting symbols that draw us back to You. All things point to  You, Lord, for You are Creator of all things. May I see Your Hand everywhere. Amen.

150ml Snow Spray(JC-OSPY)

There can be no Christmas without Christmas decrations!Decors evoke Christmas sentiments among children and grown-ups.



Model No.               :JC-OSPY

Size                         :150ml/unit

MOQ                      :100units